Home » The 6 Best Psychology Hacks That Increase Website Conversions

The 6 Best Psychology Hacks That Increase Website Conversions

Human psychology plays an important role in marketing.

According to harvard professor gerald zaltman . An overwhelming “95% of our purchasing decisions happen subconsciously. And at the heart of all of. These decisions are emotions and uncontrolled urges that really shape buyer behavior.

In fact, even on the marketing side, you’ll find that most. Experienced marketers and brand consultants are often also interested in understanding how the human mind works and, of course, what drives their customers.

In this blog, we’ll dig deeper to understand some of. The most proven psychological hacks and triggers you can use to drive your customers’ decision-making in. Favor of your brand and increase your website conversion rates. We’ll also look at some interesting real-world examples to help you get. Inspired and develop your own psychologically-driven website conversion strategy .

Without wasting much time, let’s get right into it.

The 6 Proven Hacks That Can Increase Your Website Conversions

1. Show social proof and arouse curiosity

People see – people like – people buy. This is the basic principle behind demonstrating social proof on your website.

Instead of explaining how it works, whatsapp number data we’ll show you an example of a website that perfectly demonstrates social proof:

Apartment18 makes it a point to highlight how many users have purchased the product in the last hour. This simple but extremely effective strategy can influence and motivate other shoppers to buy the product:


If you scroll down, you’ll see real customers

posting very real testimonials and reviews afb directory of their purchase along with pictures of the product – a feat, as research shows 56% of users suffer from FOMO, or the “fear of missing out.” Additionally, 91% of millennials trust reviews as much as recommendations from friends and family. Finally, 91% of users read online reviews before purchasing something.

Scrolling down even further, the 6 best myonlinestore apps to increase sales and website conversion the brand cross-sells/up-sells by showing what other users have purchased. In addition, personalized recommendations are displayed that are tailored to the viewer’s tastes, ensuring the experience is thoroughly relevant, engaging, and customized:

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