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6 Ways to Increase Your Company’s Brand Awareness

Stop counting likes or views: it’s time to look at the metrics that matter. Make your marketing even more meaningful this year by developing a different strategy to fill each level of your sales funnel.

In this blog, we’ll take a look at the very first stage of creating awareness and recognition for your brand. Ready to be recognized?

What is brand awareness?

People see a lot of content and products every day. If you scroll through your Instagram account for a minute, you could potentially see twenty different brands. But which ones stand out and actually stick in your mind?

That’s what brand awareness is all about: consumers recognizing your brand. It’s part of brand health metrics, which sounds more abstract than it is. You can easily measure how well your company is doing in terms of recognition, provided you use the right tools.

Simply put, brand awareness measures country email list how well people recognize your brand based on factors such as the visual elements you use, the consistency of your logo, your brand colors, your tone of voice, etc. The key to brand awareness is consistency across all platforms.

Just think of the brands you instantly recognize, whether on the street, in the store, or on your timeline: you’ll feel a sense of familiarity and know what to expect from them. You can build on that by increasing build recognition.


The different levels of brand awareness

Now you can either ask your audience if they know your brand or not, or you can dive deeper. There are different levels of brand awareness. For most people, finding out what you’re in can help you adjust your strategy . Let’s take a look at the different levels and the corresponding tactics.

1. Rejection of the trademark

It’s possible that someone knows your brand but just doesn’t like you. If this is the case, they will avoid purchasing your product or service and actively look at the competition.

This is often due to a negative experience with best benchmark email alternatives for small businesses your brand or reputation. Find out what happened and either come up with personalized responses or launch a larger campaign to clear your name.

2. No recognition

If consumers have either never seen your brand before or you haven’t stuck to it, that’s a clear case of non-recognition. It’s important to find out which is the case.

In the first scenario, you should create awareness . In the second step, you should probably look at the content you produce and figure out why it isn’t memorable or consistent enough.

3. Brand awareness

When you’re in this phase, it’s important to be consistent and stand out from the competition. Keep going!

4. Brand preference

This is the next step when building brand awareness is done right. If consumers see two brands they know, they would choose you.

5. Brand loyalty

It doesn’t get much better than this. When you are in the brand loyalty phase, consumers will automatically choose you and won’t even look at another brand. You will simply always be in their minds.

How do you get people to recognize your brand—in a good way? Let’s look at six tools you can use to increase brand awareness.

Effective channels to increase brand awareness

1. Develop a tone of voice for your brand

First things first: if you want to be recognized, aero leads you need to create something memorable. What is true for people is also true for brands: it’s about more than just looks. You have to develop a personality, and the key to that is developing a tone of voice.

Often, brands resort to “professional” language that has little to no personality and is basically interchangeable between brands selling something similar. Avoid this at all costs.

Consider every text you write as an interaction and actual conversation with your prospects. This is part of conversational marketing , a marketing method that people respond better to. Simply because they feel like they are talking to a human

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